MAC Well Dressed blush
Color Description(according to Bella):
A light/pale baby pink with a hint of shimmer
Price: $22.50(when i bought it, but recently increased to $23.50)
Packaging: Nice and sturdy, sleek, modern and simple design
Would I buy this product again?: No, sorry but its not my color, maybe a darker shade would be ideal!
I was ecstatic to try this product after reading plenty reviews about how it is a staple in makeup lovers' collection, and how it was "the perfect baby pink blush". Its not bad, its just that it doesnt show up on my skin tone, at all! The most i can get out of it is a slight iridescent shimmer/glow. I still use it aimlessly because i don't want the money i spent on it to go to waste and trust me i wanted my first MAC blush to be a success story and go on to become my HG blush, but no such luck :( . Who knows hopefully I'll have better luck next time, im thinking of trying out their mineralize blushes! Wish me luck!
I hope you have better luck with this product!!!
Ciao xoxo until next time